Sunday September 24
Day 1 of my workout/food/weight loss blog. I'm just tired of whining about my weight loss goals on my regular blog and I'm sure my readers there are sick of hearing about it. So come here to read and PLEASE feel free to give me advice.
Breakfast: 3 oz Oceanspray Diet Cranberry Splash
medium sized bowl of Special K red berry (I don't really drink the milk in it)
Lunch: 1/2 Panera Sierra Turkey sandwich
Small classic cafe salad with about 1 Tbsp of dressing
diet coke
Workout: 30 minutes elliptical, high intensity
15 minutes recumbant bike, lower intensity (but still sweating)
1 bottle of water
Snack: 1 cup strawberries with 2 Tbsp cool whip
Dinner: Wendy's spicey chicken sandwich, no mayo
small french fries
diet coke
Workout: 20 minutes of various ab crunches, boat pose, headstand, and a couple chaturangas
1/2 bottle of water
So why is the scale UP a couple pounds after that? Was that really a lot of calories??
Breakfast: 3 oz Oceanspray Diet Cranberry Splash
medium sized bowl of Special K red berry (I don't really drink the milk in it)
Lunch: 1/2 Panera Sierra Turkey sandwich
Small classic cafe salad with about 1 Tbsp of dressing
diet coke
Workout: 30 minutes elliptical, high intensity
15 minutes recumbant bike, lower intensity (but still sweating)
1 bottle of water
Snack: 1 cup strawberries with 2 Tbsp cool whip
Dinner: Wendy's spicey chicken sandwich, no mayo
small french fries
diet coke
Workout: 20 minutes of various ab crunches, boat pose, headstand, and a couple chaturangas
1/2 bottle of water
So why is the scale UP a couple pounds after that? Was that really a lot of calories??
At 7:49 AM,
Lori said…
Good girl! Keep it up. I will pass on any helpful hints that I get from the RD I'm now seeing.
She did mention that each meal I eat should be no bigger than the size of my two hands. Which I must admit cracked me up at first, until I realized she was dead serious.
Also, smaller, more frequent meals. Rate your hunger on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being absolutely ravenous. Each time you eat, you should only be around a 5 or 6. Any higher than that, and you're not eating frequently enough. The RD says that you should almost feel as if you don't even need to eat at that point in time, but the important thing is that you DO eat then. Otherwise, you wait too long and wind up making really bad food choices because you're just so stinking hungry.
Um, at least that's what I do....
Good luck to you!! I will be following along.
At 9:05 AM,
Teri said…
try only weighing yourself once a week as well. weighing every day supposedly is counter productive.
I'm wishing you luck. once I get all my personal stuff out of the way (selling house, buying new house, etc.) I'm starting back to the gym.
One of the guys here, and his wife, did the Fatsmash plan by the doctor from Celebrity Fit Club. They were very successful and it was just eating foods and portions like Lori mentions. I might try the tamer version of his plan, along with the gym.
I'm with you on the posting of weight. most women do NOT like to do this.
At 2:23 PM,
Elizabeth said…
It sounds to me like your diet is fine. I mean, I am hardly an expert, but it seems as thought it is varied enough.
If I think of any cool ideas, I'll pass them along.
At 2:44 PM,
Alisa said…
One of the top 5 reasons I read your blog is to hear your progress and how you're doing on everything, so I will definitely be a visitor to this one, as you motivate me to get up and do things! Thank you for that.
I've heard the same thing about the daily weighing, that it's not productive and to only weigh yourself 1x a week (and of course the "jean" test.... or the suit test in your case).
I think you'll do just fine on the track you're on.
You might increase your water intake. A personal trainer I was with for a while swears by the water. He told me to drink up to a gallon a day if I could and then a whole bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo that translated in my head to "water lubricates the body like oil lubricates the engine".
At 3:49 PM,
ieatcrayonz said…
Water water water is right.
No fries! No breaded chicken (not sure about that sandwich). A better choice at Wendy's is the chili and/or caesar side salad with a tbsp of the dressing.
If you crave chocolate, go with fat free chocolate pudding with fat free cool whip.
At 5:12 PM,
Musings of a Housewife said…
Girl. I gotta tell ya. You would be surprised how many WW points you had in that Panera sandwich and the Wendys. That particular Panera sandwich is amazingly high in WW points (I know cause it's my fave and I looked it up once. Once I picked myself up off the floor I swore I'd never eat another.) Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. I hope I don't sound too negative. But that all really jumped out at me.
I've always had to resort to Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig to do some serious weight-loss damage, I highly recommend either of them to give you the jumpstart you need to fit in that suit next month. But if you have the will power, it can certainly be done without a program.
I live on salads when I'm trying to do it on my own. It's the only thing that seems to work. I put tuna or chicken on them for protein. Also, a single egg on whole wheat toast for b'fast really sticks with me better than carbs. Just a few thoughts.
Good luck!!!! I really hope you meet your goal.
At 8:12 PM,
Kate Giovinco Photography said…
I love the Spicy chicken sandwich and am glad it is only 9 WW points. I am working on my weightloss as well and have been losing I am semi-following weight watchers!
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