Monday Monday
Thank you guys for all your awesome comments and support!!! You girls rock :)
I know I should drink more water. I drink a lot while I'm working out and after, but not the rest of the time.
Yeah I realize the Panera Sierra Turkey is high points, but half of one isn't as bad and a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do sometimes. It's pretty nutritious actually. According to the new WW system I got a bazillion extra points for all the working out I do. :) I was looking for the healthier turkey panini I got last time I was at Panera but they didn't appear to have it this time. And the Wendy's spicy chicken is not as bad as many breaded chicken sandwiches, especially without the mayo. It's only 9 points. I know the fries were a sin. I was weak. I CAN NOT live on salad alone. Especially with this spinach ban. UGH.
Now today:
I was go go go this morning and all I had was a GIGANTIC (20 oz) Wawa coffee. Hazelnut, yum. I don't take cream or sugar so that's no calories.
Lunch: (late!)
1 serving (half container) of Campbell's Chunky Firehouse Chili...yum
1 handful of garlic triscuits
Crystal light lemonade
Dinner: (KOP Food Court)
Turkey club sandwich on white with mayo and american cheese (BAD I know, but could be worse)
1 handful of potato chips
22oz diet coke
15-20 minutes weightlifting
10 minutes running
15 minutes powerwalking uphill
12 minutes on the stairclimber
According to My Calorie Counter, I haven't actually eaten ENOUGH today! But I'm gonna watch MNF halftime, then the rest of Studio 60, then BED :)
I know I should drink more water. I drink a lot while I'm working out and after, but not the rest of the time.
Yeah I realize the Panera Sierra Turkey is high points, but half of one isn't as bad and a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do sometimes. It's pretty nutritious actually. According to the new WW system I got a bazillion extra points for all the working out I do. :) I was looking for the healthier turkey panini I got last time I was at Panera but they didn't appear to have it this time. And the Wendy's spicy chicken is not as bad as many breaded chicken sandwiches, especially without the mayo. It's only 9 points. I know the fries were a sin. I was weak. I CAN NOT live on salad alone. Especially with this spinach ban. UGH.
Now today:
I was go go go this morning and all I had was a GIGANTIC (20 oz) Wawa coffee. Hazelnut, yum. I don't take cream or sugar so that's no calories.
Lunch: (late!)
1 serving (half container) of Campbell's Chunky Firehouse Chili...yum
1 handful of garlic triscuits
Crystal light lemonade
Dinner: (KOP Food Court)
Turkey club sandwich on white with mayo and american cheese (BAD I know, but could be worse)
1 handful of potato chips
22oz diet coke
15-20 minutes weightlifting
10 minutes running
15 minutes powerwalking uphill
12 minutes on the stairclimber
According to My Calorie Counter, I haven't actually eaten ENOUGH today! But I'm gonna watch MNF halftime, then the rest of Studio 60, then BED :)
At 8:09 PM,
Kate Giovinco Photography said…
I was at the K of P food court tonight as well. Hah we were probably there at the same time!
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok. meal trades.
the biggest thing that causes both aging and weight retention in the body are as follows: man made chemical preservatives and dyes, man made sugars such as high fructose corn syrups, and any sort of hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil.
the key is whole foods. these trades are based in this.
breakfast: it is important to eat breakfast. it kick-starts the metabolism which helps you burn more calories while doing nothing.
coffee can be a good thing. go to kimberton whole foods and buy fair trade, shade grown, organic coffee. you will know the difference in flavor and body when you first taste it. it's also higher in anti-oxidants and other micronutrients. But, more than two cups (that's 16 oz) a day is a caffine overdose. a caffine overdose leeches nutrienst from your bones.
your breakfast yesterday--cereal, milk, juice--is structurally sound, but ingredient poor. Special K is little more than sugared cardboard flakes nutritionally. Instead, make these switches:
full fat raw goats milk--consume less and get more nutrients overall. pasturization causes absorption problems and skim milk is pure sugar to begin with. full fat gives more nutrients (the nutrients in milk are fat soluable) and more protien, then skimmed, pasturized milk. Even better, Switch milk for Yogurt (seven star's farm is a good brand)--you can get these at Kimberton Whole Foods.
cereal--instead of extruded, chemically sprayed stuff (that is, special K and every other boxed cereal on the market), get musli or a simple, whole grain granola from Kimberton Whole foods. Or, toss some dried berries (sugar free) and nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds) into the yogurt for crunch and nutrients.
i do not know about ocean spray juices, but i can pretty much imagine that it has some form of sugar or high fructose corn syrup in it. At Kimberton, they have fruit juices of many kinds sweetened with Agave nectar which has a lower glycemic index. This is better for you. Cut your juice with water--1/2 cup juice, 1/2 cup water. it gives the taste and sweetness, as well as the nturients, but cuts the sugar (and calories) in half.
i shudder to think about cambell's preservatives and ingredients. i know it includes MSG, which is a neurotoxin. cease and desist!
instead, make your own quick chili using canned organic beans and jarred organic salsa. You can add meat to this--brown ground beef, then add beans and salsa. Let it all simmer for 20 mintues or so and it's delicious. It's a quick meal.
baked organic corn chips or sprouted whole grain tortillas (ezekiel is the brand name) great with this. These things can be found at Kimberton or at Trader Joes. Also, i love guacamole--it's incredible nutritious. Very good on those tortillas with a side of chili.
crystal light lemonaide--like diet coke--is a chemical slurry. i highly recommend Rooibos Chai as iced tea. Any tea can become iced tea, but Rooibos is exceptionally good. It helps rebalance electrolytes after work outs and has very little natural caffine so it doesn't hyper stimulate. It has a natural sweet taste and is easy to make. I boil two teapots of water and then place four bags of tea in the boiling water (that's in my ice tea pitcher). i watch like a hawk until the tea turns just that right color of red (it's beautiful tea), and then let it cool to room temp (though you can have it hot), and then put it in the fridge. It's a delight to drink. You can get this Rooibos Chai tea at Kimberton. And many others, btw, that are excellent. You also get a lot of micronutrients from tea--it's like taking a vitamin every time you get it.
This should be your substitute drink any time you're not drinking water. making a switch to full bodied, full flavored iced teas is so simple too!
ok, take a breath because i know that this is long.
turkey. in and of itself, not a bad choice. but, lunch meats are notoriously chemical laden in preservatives and man-made salts (including MSG). instead of turkey, may i recommend roasted chicken salad?
at kimberton or trader joes, you will find organic, pasture raised whole chickens. i can explain the reason for pasture raised, organic, if you like, but for now, there it is.
you take said chickens and you wash them and put them on a roasting pan (i cook two at a time). Then, turn on the oven, put them in, and walk away for an hour. An hour later, flip the chickens and walk away for another hour. After the second hour, check the temperature of the chickens to make sure that they are cooked through. they usually are, typically shortly under an hour so use your nose!
pull the chickens out and let them 'rest' for a bit on the stove top. i let them cook to room temp and then i simple pull the meat off the bones and put them into a glass container that i got at Ikea. I save the bones, putting them into a plastic baggy and into the freezer. When i have 4 chicken's worth of bones, i utilize them to make bone-broth, which is a great stock for soups. you can pitch these bones if you like, but it's a tragic waste truly.
Once the chicken is safely in the container, i set to making home-made mayo. it's very easy to make--i can give you the recipe. it doesn't store, so i only make as much as i need.
i then add curry powder, apples (chunks), and golden raisins and it's a great little chicken salad.
flour, in the moddern construct, is a horrible thing. devoid and stripped of most nutrients, most are added back in as nearly inabsorbable chemical additives. not to mention preservatives and everything else that goes into it. it's very sad.
for bread, i recommend sprouted, whole grain braid. Ezekiel is the brand that we use predominently--and they have a numver of kinds of breads that are exceptionally rich, flavorful, and healthy. You can get this at Kimberton or Trader Joes.
cheese is good for you if you're getting good cheese. Raw, organic cheese is the way to go--or imports. most european imported cheeses are made traditionally with raw milk and cream as the base. It makes for phenominal, flavorful cheese.
a great cheese that is easy to use is soft goat's cheese. there is a lot of this available locally--from local farms. this cheese can easily be made into spreads for breads which are awesome.
diet coke--sub for more iced tea. Or, add 2/3 juice of your choice (good juice with agave nectar) with sparkling water (nothing added to it except gas) if you want something fizzy.
And, drink water! ;)
At 1:14 PM,
Unknown said…
oh jen. You crack me up :) But I knew what I was in for when I asked. I mentioned that I'm not into whole foods. That doesn't mean I won't add a few in here or there, but I am unconvinced of the evils of chemical preservatives. I'm a chemical engineer. What I eat has a great deal more to do with what's convenient than what's good. I'm sure you've noticed that most of my meals are not eaten at home. I don't really do much cooking, don't have time. Plus Trader Joes is unfortunately not as conducive to shopping with a two year old as Giant. I haven't tried Kimberton yet but I will. Your idea for iced tea sounds good but like more work. So we'll see.
At 2:43 PM,
Kate Giovinco Photography said…
That is a hell of alot of time per meal. I dont think I could do it all but some of those things I have done.
At 8:07 AM,
Lori said…
The problem with that is that it's not always realistic. I am pretty much on-board with the organic thing, not so much because of the preservatives but because of hormones and/or antibiotics. The thing is, organic foods can be very expensive. If you don't have the time/inclination to run down to Kimberton Foods or TJ, try Genuardi's O Organics line. I blogged about this a while ago and they're very affordable.
Also, you have to factor in taste preferences. If you truly don't like the food you're "supposed to" be eating, then you're not gonna eat it, right?! Jenifer's plan sounds great, but I think it's too many changes to make at once, and ultimately you'd be setting yourself up for failure.
I would (and am) make just one or two small changes each week in my food choices. Like switching over from white-flour English muffins to Thomas' Light Multi-Grain English muffins--which are high in fiber, low in calories, and delicious toasted with some peanut butter smeared on them.
Maybe that will work for you, too. Baby steps, baby! That's what it's all about.
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