Shrinking Sarah

My weightloss diary!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Fuel for the body and soul

I have a feeling I may not be really eating quite enough for my level of activity, but I'm not really sure. I do know that I totally sabotaged my own metabolism today, due to a work catastrophe/conflict which caused me to not eat breakfast, get hyper on coffee, and go back on my word not to eat any Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches this month.

I was freaking out and STARVING and ordered one with a side salad. They gave me fries by accident. I didn't eat them. Ok, I ate one and thought it was heaven on earth and knew I could not continue eating them.

I scarfed down half the sandwich and felt very guilty, and set it down to open up my salad. I got interrupted by Nathan and never finished the other half of my sandwich. I only managed to eat half the tiny salad too, because I was so busy playing peacemaker on the phone all afternoon.

I made some dinner-in-a-box which Jen would freak out if she read the ingredients, and it was fabulously delicious, but I only ate a smallish portion. Pasta with tomato sauce and two tiny meatballs. Nothing else. Oh, I did eat a handful of nuts while I was cooking because my stomach was digesting itself.

Then I hit the gym, and I really don't think I had enough fuel in me, because running was excruciating. Then I had a slice of angel food cake. I know, but it's sitting here in my kitchen and no one else is eating it!!

Alisa gave me some excellent advice in the previous post that I need a new goal. I gotta think of a good one. Something other than just the scale. This conference was a real motivator because I only see these people once a year and it feeds my ego. Plus the 8 week short-term made the goal seem very achievable. Hmmm.....Thanksgiving?

Sunday, October 15, 2006


I'll admit, I'm getting bored with this food blog. I guess I just haven't been taking the time to sit down and write out my meals, and then by the time I do I forget what I ate the day before. I've fallen off the organic bandwagon a bit, but not TOO bad, and I'm still very mindful of calories and fat content. I watch that closely. The good news is the progress. Although the scale hasn't moved in a few days, it is holding steady and my pants are loose. I skipped the gym today because I have a NASTY headcold. I actually napped for a long time this afternoon. If my head and nose stay clear this evening, maybe I'll do some yoga and ab work.

Yesterday Breakfast:
oatmeal (Nathan ate half!)
diet cranberry juice
Special K bar

1 hr Beat class (aerobics and strength intervals)

southwest grilled chicken salad (Chickfila...excellent even without dressing)
diet coke

100 calorie pack of cookies...I got these out for Nate but he didn't eat them :(

1/2 roasted chicken breast, no skin
green beans
diet coke

Friday, October 13, 2006


Glad the weekend is finally here. I ate way too much bread/carbs yesterday. But I did ok today and I hit the gym. Hopefully tomorrow will be even better. One week till I leave for Dallas!! Time to pick out all my outfits and start packing.

diet cranberry juice

Lunch: (at Nieman Marcus)
1 gigantic popover with too much butter
fabulous salad with mixed baby greens, roasted red peppers, grilled chicken, and white beans
organic iced tea

handful of crackers and organic cheese

3 oz strip steak
1 baked potato with butter
2 pieces Italian bread with butter
salad with lowfat french dressing
2 glasses of wine

1 slice angel food cake
1/2 cup strawberries

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Losing my mind

I am highly stressed right now and it is really tough to not eat mindlessly for comfort. I don't feel very stressed often. My grandparents are here which kind of brings my routine to a halt, and I have to take off of work and all my other normal activities to spend time with them. Taking off work right now is the tough part, because of this conference next week and some other deadlines before that.

Yesterday I got an AWESOME Thai yoga massage from Jen in the morning. Jen, you rock. Then I did manage to go to yoga class because my grandparents were running late in arriving at my house. Mark taught, which was a very pleasant change. He worked us hard, but in a really good way. I sweat profusely, which I love. I made a lot of progress with half-monkey pose and he helped me into a nice handstand, which felt so great. The only bad part was we had to practice in a room with a huge mirror in front of us, which is horrible. It is distracting, especially when I inevitably compare my body to the other women in the room. I'm a lot bigger than any of the other girls in my class. Blech. One relief is hearing SuperKimber complain about her excess belly, which she does have, same as me, but you would never notice because the rest of her is in such great shape.


2 slices veggie pizza

2 oz beef
1/2 cup mashed potatoes

iced tea
granola bar

1 hour hardcore yoga class!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Ladies Night Out

Tonight I went out to a brand new resturant, Iron Hill Brewery, with three girlfriends for dinner. Our husbands stayed home with our kids and watched football. It was a blast, but plenty of fat and calories. I tried to stay pretty good, but not TOO good. Fantastic meal! Skipped the gym tonight but worked out at Physical therapy this morning. My grandparents are coming tomorrow for several days which will really throw off my diet and exercise plan, but I will do the best I can. I'm definately on the right track and I'm not giving up now!

16 oz coffee

Workout: rehab
10 minutes bike
5 minutes walking backwards!
30-40 minutes exercises

grilled chicken on a salad with light dressing
diet coke

salmon fillet
sauteed green beans
corn risotto
a few nacho chips with cheese (bad!)
2 pints of rasberry wheat beer (YUM!)
rasberry tea for dessert

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Still Here!

Yeah I've been quite busy the past few days and also had trouble posting here. A business trip to Raleigh caused me to eat not as well for a couple days, but I'm mostly back on the wagon now. Eating all organic, whole foods is not so easy for me. So a little at a time I guess. I was very sad to miss yoga class on Thursday, especially since the yoga class I was supposed to take in Durham was cancelled. So despite being totally unmotivated on Friday I hit the gym, and again on Saturday. Tonight I think I'm going to do a pilates workout at home because I think it really could make a big difference.

On a positive note, the scale dipped under a particular marker for me the other day which made me VERY happy. That's about six pounds gone. Additionally I have been doing a lot of clothing shopping for my big trip and it is actually FUN because pants FIT! And look good! I bought a gorgeous pair of dress pants yesterday and a new suit today. And the suit that didn't fit me three weeks ago FITS! Yay :)

bowl of Special K
1/2 organic cranberry juice mixed with 1/2 selzer water

Buffalo chicken salad from saladworks
whole wheat roll
diet coke

2 slices veggie pizza
diet coke (I know, too much diet coke)

Iced Chai Tea

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I keep logging my food very precisely into My Calorie Counter food journal, and no matter what I do, it seems I can't get my carb/protein/fat balance to look right. Even though my total calories are low, it appear that more of my calories come from fat and protein than they should. Not sure what to do about that. Part of it is my attempt to cut refined flour and sugar from my diet I guess. I do eat some whole grain carbs, but I guess I often add butter or cheese to it. Hmmm...

So Monday.

16 oz coffee
small handful of blue tortilla chips

handful of ORGANIC triscuits with organic garlic and herb cheese...yummy
3/4 of a raw green pepper
iced tea

Baked organic tortilla chips
4 tbsp salsa

3 oz leftover grilled salmon
1 cup steamed broccoli
1 small whole wheat dinner roll with butter

20 minutes weightlifting
10 minutes running
20 minutes walking uphill (ouch...knees hurt after that one)
water water

1/2 bag of microwave popcorn...only because I really hadn't consumed enough calories all day, but I later discovered that this particular popcorn has more fat than I thought

Monday, October 02, 2006

Weekend Eating Sucks

I don't know why, but making good choices on the weekend seems harder to me than during the week. It should be the opposite because I'm so busy during the week, but I think keeping my time occupied keeps me from eating out of boredom. I woke up Sunday and the scale read three pounds higher! UGH. I started to feel bloated and REALLY craved salt, so I knew Aunt Flo was coming to visit, and just a few hours later my suspicions were confirmed. It's rare I really don't feel like hitting the gym, but yesterday was it.

8 oz coffee
1 very small pastry they had in Sunday school class that called out to me. I swear.

black bean and red pepper soup...mmmm
grilled cheese (total comfort food)
iced tea

1 low-fat granola bar

1 slice meat and cheese lasagna
1 slice texas toast
big green salad with 1 tbsp lowfat dressing
2 glasses of red wine

2 tbsp peanut butter
diet coke

Sunday, October 01, 2006

S. A. T. U. R. D. A. Y. NIGHT!

Today was not a good choices day. We had to take Nathan to a birthday party at our neighbors in between lunch and dinner and they fed the kids (and the parents) pizza and cake. Pizza is my most favorite food in the world and I simply could not resist the smell. So I had a slice. Thankfully I managed the willpower to not eat the cake, even after Nathan refused his piece. I had one bite and it was mighty tastey. But then I totally caved on dinner because I still had not been food shopping and Mike wanted to wait until after the Penn State football game to eat. So it was late and poor decisions ruled, so he went to Wendy's and I got my favorite spicy chicken sandwich and fries. NO MORE! I vow that is the last one I will eat for a month. The fat and calories aren't even terrible but the sodium! Whoa. My only consolation is that I worked out hard at aerobics class.

1/2 glass diet cranberry juice

1 hour BEAT class! woohoo major calorie burn

salad with buffalo flavored grilled chicken
wheat roll
iced chai tea (tasty!)

1 slice cheese pizza
small handful mixed nuts
1/3 oz blue corn chips

Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich
medium french fries
diet coke