Shrinking Sarah

My weightloss diary!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Fuel for the body and soul

I have a feeling I may not be really eating quite enough for my level of activity, but I'm not really sure. I do know that I totally sabotaged my own metabolism today, due to a work catastrophe/conflict which caused me to not eat breakfast, get hyper on coffee, and go back on my word not to eat any Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches this month.

I was freaking out and STARVING and ordered one with a side salad. They gave me fries by accident. I didn't eat them. Ok, I ate one and thought it was heaven on earth and knew I could not continue eating them.

I scarfed down half the sandwich and felt very guilty, and set it down to open up my salad. I got interrupted by Nathan and never finished the other half of my sandwich. I only managed to eat half the tiny salad too, because I was so busy playing peacemaker on the phone all afternoon.

I made some dinner-in-a-box which Jen would freak out if she read the ingredients, and it was fabulously delicious, but I only ate a smallish portion. Pasta with tomato sauce and two tiny meatballs. Nothing else. Oh, I did eat a handful of nuts while I was cooking because my stomach was digesting itself.

Then I hit the gym, and I really don't think I had enough fuel in me, because running was excruciating. Then I had a slice of angel food cake. I know, but it's sitting here in my kitchen and no one else is eating it!!

Alisa gave me some excellent advice in the previous post that I need a new goal. I gotta think of a good one. Something other than just the scale. This conference was a real motivator because I only see these people once a year and it feeds my ego. Plus the 8 week short-term made the goal seem very achievable. Hmmm.....Thanksgiving?


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